How much do the things you buy really cost? What’s the best way to quantify that? Most things have a price tag, but is it really dollars you are concerned about? Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez presented the concept of Life Energy in their book, Your Money or Your Life . With Life Energy, they show that there is a difference between what your “salary” is and the real earnings on your time. What you think you are making is reduced from one end by taxes and job-related expenses, like the cost of commuting, job specific clothes, or the things you buy to relieve stress from your job. On the other end, your effective hourly compensation is decreased by the time you waste getting ready for work, commuting, decompressing after work, taking vacations just to get away from work, and so on. Their website has a great calculator to help you get a feel for your real hourly wage. Ultimately, their point is that you are trading your life energy, your limited time on this earth, for mone...
Demystifying the Math Behind Building Lasting Wealth