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These are some of the books I have read and found useful on my journey to financial independence. The synopses below are my own and everything that makes this page I would rate 5 stars.

Financial Independence Books:

The Simple Path to Wealth was written by JL Collins as a compilation of posts he made over at his great blog of the same name. The posts were originally formed as letters to his daughter who wanted the freedom of financial independence like her father, but didn't want to geek out over the details like he did. So JL Collins summarized the steps she would need to take to follow his path.

Set for Life was written by BiggerPockets CEO and BiggerPockets Money Podcast co-host Scott Trench when he was in his mid 20s, so a great one for those looking to get started early! It is a summary of key ideas that drive financial indpendence, with a look at the major expense categories and what to do about them as well as the different asset classesSlightly slanted towards Real Estate, given that's the focus of BiggerPockets. that can help generate passive income.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is an easy read, couched in a self biographical account of Robert Kiyosaki growing up with his own father who played by the traditional rules of getting a good education, working a job, and buying ever more stuff, but never getting anywhere, versus his friend's dad who understood how buying assets instead could create ever increasing wealth. Robert leans towards real estate and business ownership so the book is light on information on paper assets and does not really cover actionable steps (see The Simple Path to Wealth or Set for Life for that), but it is a great starting point to get into the mindset of buying assets and avoiding debt.

Self Improvement Books:

Don't be fooled by the title, Steven Covey's classic is not some gimmicky seven step program, but core principles to make you more effective in all areas of your life that happen to be organized into seven categories.


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